Woman of Art – The Glistening

Her shine is misunderstood.

Her awe discombobulates.

Her foes wreak havoc here and there.

For they are the foes of many and the friends of few.

Her eyes glisten like Pearls.

Her tears only falls at the disbelief of all.

Her feet sweeps away the madness.

Her eyes look beyond the here and now.

To a world unseen and to The Eternal King she bows.

She is glorified amidst chaos.

Amidst the roaring waters she floats.

Amidst the storm she finds her peace,

In the One who sees and knows.

Her Vindicator is fierce.

A two edged sword He wheels,

His court cases go swift,

And soon it all will be sealed.

She hastens to tell all,

Be sober! Heed the call!

Take the hand of Love, mercy and faith.

Repent now, so you can be saved!

But some ears are deaf,

And some mouths are mute,

And some are distracted by the lullaby of youth.

And she weeps and pleas,

And cries at it all.

For her message is misunderstood,

And few will heed the call.

But still she shines,

She smiles,

She glows.

She glistens,

For He sees and knows.

Icilyn Campbell as #ice-tipped pen

Photo credit: RR Walker

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